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The Art of Choen Lee

The Cat of Infinite Probabilities

But let's rewire it first.

Follow the Black Rabbit to the Far End of The Metaverse

In March 2023 the artwork 'Follow the Black Rabbit to the Far End of The Metaverse' was removed from the originally scheduled week long...

Who Wants To Live Forever?

This artwork is on the moon from March 2025

When It Comes Undone

The story of a very rich man who bought a very expensive toy only to get rid of all the experts who built it and who made it work then...

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Currently listed by the owner for 5.55ETH

Moments Lost In Time

Self Assembly

Sometimes when I look into the mirror I wonder if it's a sentient entity looking back, observing what we aren't able to perceive of...

Self Assembly

Seen here outside the national gallery of modern and contemporary art in Rome in summer...

Stable Delusion

This comes from a series of works that explores the nature of identity within shifting realities. Our perception of things is constantly...

Housewife Vs Cryptobrozombies

Exhibited outside the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporeona in Rome in 2023. Organised by Satyrus Meta Art. Artwork sold.

Choen Lee Sends Art to the Moon

One of the preeminent English language pop culture publications in South East Asia wrote an article about art going to the moon.